Company Background 公司簡介
- 營滙食品(Nutrilink Limited)是進口外國優質海產、肉類及其他食品的進口商。
- 專業採購團隊特意從美國、日本、澳洲、歐洲等食品安全程度高的國家搜羅高質素食材。
- 與當地實力雄厚的供應商建立長期穩定的戰略合作關係(Strategic Relationship)。
- 廣泛的公司客戶網路,客戶包括香港、澳門及內地的星級酒店、餐廳、精品超市等。
- 採用現代化的供應鏈管理模式 (Supply Chain Management, SCM),把供應商、冷凍倉庫、包裝及加工中心、配送中心及批發零售等有效地組織起來。
- 擁有完善的物流車隊體系,達至即時點對點運輸服務。
- Nutrilink Limited imports high quality food items, mainly seafood and meats from around the world to our customers in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China.
- To ensure food safety and quality, our professional purchasing team selects good quality food items from Japan, USA, Australia and Europe etc.
- We keep long-term Strategic Relationship with these top food producers and suppliers.
- Our current customers include hotel groups, restaurants and boutique supermarkets in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China etc.
- We adopt modern Supply Chain Management, SCM system to effectively integrate food suppliers, cold storage facilities, packing and processing center, distribution center, wholesale and retail.
- For transport and distribution management, our own logistics system is the assurance of comprehensive and timely service.